Tuesday, January 1, 2013


In the Netherlands, they call it the Nieuwjaarsduik but  we lovingly refer to it as the Polar Bear Plunge- that refreshing, frigid, and exhilarating experience of jumping in the lake on the first day of the year.
 In Coeur d'Alene, there has been a loosely organized plunge at Sander's Beach since the late 70's. There are usually about 500 plungers with about the same spectators/supporters. Have you ever done it? I did in 1991. It was great. A friend of mine came up the idea and the costumes to dress up in old fashioned 1920's  swimsuits. We got our picture taken by the paper (new year resolution scored!) and I got a nice case of strep throat.
Going in the water is fun but the hard part is coming out, soaking wet in the cold, cold (did I mention cold?) air. Since Sanders Beach doesn't have much parking, the trek to your car is long and ....
@Steve Troxel at Honeysuckle Beach 1/1/13

Here is Steve at  Honeysuckle Beach in Hayden. He is the lonely Troxel because I have a cold and the boys stayed up too late last night to get moving by noon. Steve decided that Hayden needs its own traditional plunge and he wasn't the only one. When we got there at noon, there were 4 other polar bears. The oldest known Polar Bear Plunge started in 1920 with 10 swimmers. Hayden had 5 this year so I say that is a fine beginning to a new tradition.

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