Saturday, February 4, 2012

My First Property Showing!

 Showing property- North Idaho Style- wearing snowshoes because the property (all 10 acres of it) was under 12 inches of snow.

The East view from the property
This is the private drive into the property- the easy part- the road up to the top of hill was scary and I had to drive. At least that white monster of a truck that I have to drive came in handy because 4 wheel drive was necessary.
The name of this place is Rockford Vistas and it is up above Rockford Bay on Coeur d'Alene Lake and the Black Rock Golf Course. There were hoof prints of moose and deer all over the place and it was really quiet. The big question- Is the peace and quiet and the view worth the hassle and expense of a long, curvy, steep private road? Hmmm.......